Friday, May 4, 2007

Recap of this week

I know I dont eat right. I am writing down everything I eat so that the nutritionist at work can help me rearrange things. I like the Southbeach dinners. I have been slimfasting at work because its easy, I am so busy usually. The only thing I dont like is the expense of buying the extra stuff. I might buy some protein powder and figure out how to make my own recipes in bulk so my husband and H can eat them to. H has lost about 25 lbs since school started. Hub has lost 15 in the last two weeks as he went back to work. I havent weighed in yet but I do feel somewhat lighter. I have had more energy and I have been able to run around cleaning both in the morning before work and after work.

Monday Exercise 1 1/2 hours deep water aerobics

Green Tea
Baby Carrots raw
Plain grilled steak size of a deck of cards

Tuesday 20 min treadmill

Green Tea
2 Slimfasts
diet soda
cottage cheese lowfat
steamed broccoli

Wednesday Walked 3 loops around track at highschool (4 loops is a mile)

diet soda
cottage cheese
tossed salad with ff french
3 bites crabmeat
southbeach wrap

Thursday Walked at work @ lunchtime about 30 min

diet soda
green tea
beet slices plain
cottage cheese
1 slice pineapple ring
southbeach caprese chicken & broccoli dinner


Dont know yet

In a typical day I am on my feet running around back and forth with a headset from office to office. I go up and down the stairs probably 6 times a day as well. I have been trying to make a game of it and keep myself moving as much as I can. I do have to sit occasionally to type. When I get off work I pick up the baby, come home, pick up the house, vacuum, wash floors, do laundry, feed the baby, give him a bath and then I play with H. We jump around, hoola hoop and jumprope and sometimes go for a walk. Monday night H and I are going to the town pool for deep water aerobics. We bought a pass so we can swim as much as we want to. It was much cheaper than a gym membership and H cant go to the gym here because she is too young. Also with my back issues I can do things in the water that I have a hard time doing on land. I really felt the stomach crunches that we were doing in the water it felt great. I was a little bit sore the next day as I used muscles I havent used in a long time, and it loosened up my back so it hurt. I am going to stick with it though because I know it will get easier.


karrie said...

I know I sound like a nag, but you need to eat more. Trust me!! Especially when you're doing such a great job of exercising regularly. Some of your daily food intakes listed here look like one meal a day plus a snack to me.

Have you visited the free SouthBeach forum? There are a lot of great ideas.

K said...

I know I am terrible about food. I think when I get really determined to lose weight I start getting scared about food. I get this weird guilt thing going. I appreciate your thoughts, you arent a nag. I have to get organized and figure out how to plan things out so I can eat right. The hospital nutritionist told me to write for two weeks and then we will sit down together and come up with a monthly menu. I hope she can help me because I need it.