Monday, May 7, 2007

The weekend

It was a nice weekend for the most part. The hub and I woke up early to go to a few yardsales that advertised for Childrens Toys etc. We ended up purchasing a wagon for the baby for only $3.00. It is like brand new. It would of cost at least $100.00 for a new one. We also picked him up a school bus with all the little people that sit in it. He carried it around all weekend. I picked up a white beany baby with flowers on it for 50 cents for H, and a large pencil with funny sayings on it for school. It was also a great excuse to get out and walk. We have all been sick again and it was nice to get out and get some fresh air. We have cleaned the house top to bottom and Lysoled and Cloroxed everything we own and we still keep catching this same icky, nasty virus. I hope with the warmer weather coming this week it will finally subside. I am tired of wiping noses and behinds. Today I will be talking with the realtor about a piece of property. We have decided if we dont find a house we can afford soon we are going to continue the process of purchasing a modular home. My husband is now working and actually is lead carpenter where he builds the homes at work. There is one specific piece of property that has logs on it so the plan would be to buy it, have it logged to pay for the septic, driveway etc. and purchase or build one of these homes. My husband figured out as well that he could build us a decent stick built home for between $30 and $50 thousand dollars. We are working with the rural housing authority to get better loan options. The subprime market has pretty much fallen apart due to high foreclosure rates in the last year, so we have had a hard time getting a loan to go through even though we were approved. Every fixer upper we can afford has been a no go due to pressure on lenders to be more strict. Two houses fell through on us due to deficiencies that we could of easily fixed. The market is great for already established persons. It is not great right now for people like us that havent ever owned a home. So if we are able to get financing through a government agency we will get a better rate, and be able to get more house for our money. It is alot of red tape and paperwork but when it is all said and done I dont have to worry that I have been screwed or given a bad deal that I cant afford. The other thing is they are very supportive, and it is mandatory that you attend a class or seminar that helps you get all of your homebuying ducks in a row. They also offer special rates and have a program for if you are going to construct your own house. Fortunately I am married to an extremely talented man that has his own tools,friends to help us do the heavy stuff and the knowledge to build an entire house. We are going to look at all of our options and choose the most cost effect route. I hope this works out for us. We need something to dream about, it is what keeps us going.


karrie said...

What a deal on the wagon! I've been looking for one for Max, since he has long refused the stroller and sometimes gets tired on really long walks.

Good luck with the houses!

Jason Dufair said...

I'm totally confident you'll find a place for your family, K. You are tenacious, if nothing else.

K said...

Karrie if I come across another deal I will grab it. This one is like brand new D loves it and its a two seater with a door so he can take a friend for a ride.

Thanks I know we will get there.