Friday, April 13, 2007

Leave town father winter!

I hate being pessimistic and grouchy but I really wish father winter would leave town. This morning due to my stupid car, I have to drive Jim to the next town over to bring him to work, taking the baby with me, go back home bring H to school, go back the other way to Vermont drop the baby off, go to work, then at noon when Jim gets out of work I have to leave at lunchtime pick up the baby and Jim and then get dropped back off at work, and then Jim will go 45 minutes back to my house wait for me to get out of work then come back to Vermont to pick me up and take me home. All in a gas guzzling truck with a grumpy husband and a very tired baby. Its not over yet either, we are expecting another winter storm this weekend so Monday and Tuesday will be the same type of shit.

1 comment:

Missy said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Maybe the snow will pass you by.