Monday, April 23, 2007

I just... uh need to vent

I had 2 slimfasts today. Came home and had a piece of grilled chicken plain and a little bit of baked beans. Then I ate two bowls of icecream. What the heck is my issue?

I have a rash on my arms from lotion I put on and it itches and its pissing me off.

My car is just about blown up. I dont have drive anymore I am getting around in second gear. It is leaking oil and transmission fluid and smoking up a storm. My husband is outside looking at it right now.

I am due to leave at 6am tomorrow to go to Concord for a business meeting. Yay fucking ha. I hope I make it there. At this point I know its a shitty attitude to have but I dont even care. I dont fucking care tonight. I am tired, and my back is hurting. I am fat. I am bitching. I seems like I am always bitching. I am just blah. I dont even give a shit.

I got to daycare today to pick up D and he was covered in dirt. I should be happy he had a good time. He screamed all the way home. Probably because he was thirsty and had a mouth full of dirt. He screamed until I ran into the house and gave him a drink of water, a bath, and dinner. Now he is asleep. H managed to get a sunburn yesterday while at a carnival with her friends. She is actually doing pretty well today which I am glad. I dont have the energy to deal with a bitchy tween tonight.

I think I am mostly cranky because I am itching like crazy.

H just came in and ASKED if she could go to boarding school. HAHAHAHA.. NOT! First of all I cant afford it. Second of all I would miss her. Third of all its just not happening. PERIOD.

Did I mention I have that as well? UGH. Maybe thats my problem.

My husband came and sat down next to me in the kitchen. Hun whats wrong? I said I dont know. I really dont know. Thats the shitty part. I cant even figure it out so how is he supposed to help me? I guess it was nice that he asked though. At least he noticed.

God I hope my car isnt fucked. That is really the last thing I need right now. H is bitching because I told her she could have it when she gets older. So I am not the only one that is upset about the car. That makes it worse I think. I dreamed of owning a Mustang when I was a little girl, well I bought one and I promised her she could have it. Its getting close to being a planter in the yard. Daisies anyone?


Jason Dufair said...

Holy crap that is a funny song. Where did you find that?

I know why you ate the two bowls of ice cream. Because your blood sugar tanked and you can't resist millions of years of evolution. Why did it tank? Belive it or not, it's the slim fast. Low glycemic index, almost no fiber. So don't give yourself a hard time. But I will bang the drum for lean protein, fruits, veggies, whole grains, and nuts. Since I switched to those 5 foods only, I hardly ever crave cookies and ice cream. And I used to eat a bowl of ice cream every night before bed and regularly hit the girl scout cookies or raid the kids easter/halloween/secret stash of candy.

Good luck with the POS car. I hope hubby was able to get it into some decent shape while he was out there.

K said...

Jason, I remember people singing it at a karaoke bar I used to go to. I love Adam Sandler. I did slim fast before and lost over 100 lbs. However, I was eating alot of broccoli and either ff turkey or tuna and almost 0 sugars. I used sugar free jello to curb my sweet tooth. I was irritable for the first two weeks, then I was fine. I have to watch the sugar because I have been diabetic before. I am borderline right now. I found the overeaters anonymous support group and they have a very low sugar diet available. Only natural sugars. I am going to go if my schedule allows. Its a free support group and it cant hurt. I feel really uncomfortable at this point. I am too heavy, and to make it worse its beautiful weather here and none of my clothes from before the baby fit me. I want to be active with the kids. I am going to walk the track at the school, 4 times around is a mile. Will you do me a favor and email me tips, I know what you are doing is working. I would love some advice.

Hubby went to mechanic school. So he knows how to turn a wrench. It looks like I have a broken exhaust right under the drivers seat. He clipped it for temporary so I dont get sick. Drive is now 2, so I just have to use 2. He thinks it might have too much transmission fluid in it so I have to go get it flushed. SO there are two issues. Get the transmission back to where its supposed to be and get the exhaust fixed and I wont have to buy a car, and I can keep saving for my house. I refuse to buy another vehicle. I wish I lived where I could get a bus or a train to work. The good thing is if the transmission doesnt need alot of work it will only cost me a few hundred dollars compared to a few thousand. YAY for husbands! I hate going to the garage and believing whatever they tell me because I dont know about cars. I do know one thing after I get my house and I am ready to buy another car I am going to buy a hybrid. No more gas guzzlers.

karrie said...

Yup. Slimfast is not a good choice. They're fine as an afternoon snack or emergency lunch if you're really in a pinch, but you need more fuel, and better quality fuel. I agree with Jason--bring some nuts (count out 15 for one serving) or a hardboiled egg, some string cheese, raw veggies, etc.

karrie said...
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